субота, 11 лютого 2017 р.

Домашнє завдання для учнів, які відвідують курси по підготовці до ЗНО.(на 14.02.17)

You see this advertisement in the internet and decide to apply for this opportunity.

International Volunteer Program for Teens Traveling Independently
Teen Volunteer Abroad is a program specially designed for teenage volunteers (ages 15-17) who wish to travel independently on a Cross-Cultural Solutions (CCS) volunteer program. In summer 2009, teen volunteers may choose from China, Costa Rica, Ghana, and Guatemala.
Teens will enjoy an action-packed 9-day or 2-week program, working side-by-side with local people at a CCS Partner Program in the community, enjoying Cultural & Learning Activities and other supervised trips to local markets and other sites of interest. 24-hour supervision is provided by English-speaking CCS in-country staff members trained to support teenagers living and volunteering in another culture.
WHO: Teens, ages 15-17
WHERE: China, Costa Rica, Ghana, Guatemala
PROGRAM LENGTH: 9 days or 2 weeks

Write a motivation letter to the CCS Application Review Committee stating:
— your personal motivation for participating in this program;
— your goals and expectations for the Teen Volunteer Abroad program experience;
— why you think you are well suited for this program (support your answer with examples);

— your previous volunteer and international travel experience

Example of Motivation letter for job application

Dear Mr. Andrew,
I would like to apply for the position of Marketing Executive with your company.
My motivation for applying this profile with ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd. is because your organization is known for giving opportunities and freedom to the employees to perform. Every new entrant wants to start his career with a company like yours because of the training and expertise you help them attain in their career which is essential for bright future.
I have completed Masters in Business Administration with Major in Marketing from New York University which enrolls only 50 students out of thousands of applications. Having admitted and studied at such a reputed university gave me a chance to interact, learn and compete with the best minds. This also helped me stay abreast with latest events in the world.
During my course, I have participated in various competitions which have helped me hone my interpersonal communication skills. I have worked in teams and have been a responsive and vigilant coworker to my colleagues. I am good at giving presentations and persuading others by highlighting the best benefits in a creative manner which is easy to absorb.
I know ABC Corporation Pvt. Ltd. looks for fresh talent which is enthusiastic, innovative and committed to the job. I strongly believe that I possess these qualities and with my dedication I can be an asset to your company. I feel I have the ability to market anything with my innovation. Every job that I take up, I do it with complete conviction and I am very excited working with your world class company.
All my qualifications and achievements have been briefed in the resume which is attached with the letter. In case, you need more information about my education qualification or skills then please email me or call me.
Thanking you. I look forward to hear from you.

Yours sincerely,

                                            Example 2

Dear Ms Graham,
Enthusiasm, dedication and hard work, these are the three things that I will bring to your recently advertised Volunteer position. I am someone who is willing to sacrifice my time, energy and services without expecting anything in return.
I am very passionate about ………………… and it is for this reason alone that I want to become a volunteer for your organisation. Aside from this, I am also keen to meet new people, make a difference to the community I live in, and want to add something exciting to my CV.
Apart from my technical qualities I believe I have all of the characteristics and qualities that make a great volunteer. For instance, I have lots of energy, can do with little sleep, possess bags of drive and put a tremendous amount of effort into everything that I do. I am also an excellent communicator who can quickly build a rapport with people from all social backgrounds and cultures.
In the past I have worked with children, adults and the elderly through organisations, charities and community groups.
I would be very grateful if you were to look favourably upon my application and accept my application to become part of your reputable organisation. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information, or you would like to invite me to an interview.
Thank you very much for accepting, reviewing and hopefully responding to my application.
Yours sincerely,

 Full name

Useful Phrases for Letter of Application

Я узнал из вашего объявления в…I see from your advertisement in…
Я узнал от деловых партнеров…I have learned from business associates…
Я хотел бы получить эту должность.I'd like to apply for this post.
Пожалуйста, вышлите более подробную информацию об этой должности.
 Вместе с формой заявления о приеме на работу.
Please send me further details of the post.
 Together with the application.
Как вы увидите из прилагаемой автобиографии…As you will see from the enclosed CV (curriculum vitae)…
У меня довольно большой опыт работы в этой сфере.I have considerable experience in this type of work.
Кроме того, я принимал участие в некоторых конференциях по этой теме.I have also attended several conferences on this subject.
Я считаю, что соответствую требованиям для этого поста.I feel I can meet the requirements of this post.
В данное время я работаю в экспортной фирме.I am currently working for an export firm.
Я ищу похожее место работы.I am looking for a similar post.
Сейчас я хочу сменить работу.Now I wish to change my job.
Я свободно владею французским и немецким.I speak fluent French and German.
Я владею основами… языка.I have basic knowledge of…
У меня специальность…I have qualifications in…
У меня диплом по специальности…I have a diploma in…
Я имею ученую степень…I have a degree in…
Я печатаю со скоростью… знаков в минуту.My typing speed is… per minute.
Я стенографирую со скоростью… в минуту.My shorthand speed is… per minute.
У меня есть опыт работы с компьютером.I can operate the computer.
Я работал с текстовым редактором.I have used a word processor.
Я родился в…I was born in…
Я ходил в школу…
 …где я выдержал следующие экзамены…
 …по следующим предметам…
I went to school in…
 ...where I passed the following examinations…
 ...in the following subjects…
Я учился в университете в…
 …где в качестве специальности изучал…
 ...И… в качестве второй специальности изучал…
I went to University in…
 ...where I studied… as my major.
 And… as my minor.
Я окончил университет по следующим предметам…I graduated in the following subjects…
Я сдал государственные экзамены с отличием.I passed the State exam with distinction.
Я не прошел по следующим предметам…I failed in the following subjects…
Затем я проработал… лет в фирме…Then I worked for… years for a firm…
Я провел… лет за границей.I spent… years abroad.
В 2007 я стал начальником отдела.I was promoted to department manager in 2007.
В 2008 меня уволили по сокращению штатов.I was made redundant in 2008.
С этого времени я не работаю.I have been unemployed since then.
В техникуме я изучал…At professional school, I took courses in…
Я имею специальность секретаря со знанием иностранного языка.I was trained as a bilingual secretary.
Я хочу работать в более крупной организации с международными связями.I wish to work for a larger organization with international links.
Чтобы расширить возможности продвижения по службе…To improve my career prospects…
По личным мотивам.For personal reasons.
Я ищу работу с большой ответственностью.I am looking for a position with more responsibility.
Я хотел бы работать за рубежом.I wish to work abroad.
Я хочу продвинуться по службе.I wish to improve my chances of promotion.
Мне нужно место с лучшей перспективой.I’m looking for a post with better perspectives.
Я хочу использовать знание иностранных языков.I wish to make use of my knowledge of languages.
Я претендую на место…I have applied for the post of…
Если вы захотите пригласить меня на собеседование, я могу прийти в любое время.Should you wish to invite me for an interview, I can come to be interviewed at any time.
Для встречи я располагаю только пятницей.I can only come to interview on Fridays.
Разрешите перенести встречу на поздний срок.Could I come to interview at a later date?
Я буду готов встретиться с 14 июня.I shall be available from the 14th June onwards.
Надеюсь, что вы положительно решите вопрос о моём трудоустройстве.I hope that you will consider my application favourably.
Я прилагаю отзыв моего бывшего нанимателя.I enclose a reference from my previous employer.
Я прилагаю копии отзывов двух моих бывших нанимателей и копии моих дипломов.I enclose copies of references from my last two employers, and copies of my diplomas.
Имена двух поручителей указаны ниже.The names of two references are given below.
Я буду благодарен, если вы не будете обращаться к моему настоящему работодателю.
 ...до нашей встречи.
 ...без моего согласия.
I should be grateful if you would not approach my present employer.
 ...prior to the interview
 ...without my prior consent.
Я с удовольствием предоставлю вам любые другие сведения, которые могут вам понадобиться.I would be pleased to provide you with any further information you may require.
Прилагаю конверт с обратным адресом.I enclose a stamped addressed envelope.
Я прилагаю мой..., в котором вы найдете полную информацию о моей квалификации и опыте работы.I enclose a CV, which gives full details of my qualification and work experience.
Мне 29 лет, не женат/ не замужем/ в хорошей форме и здоров(а).I’m 29, unmarried, fit and healthy.
Я был бы вам благодарен, если вы согласитесь поручиться за меня.I should be grateful if you would agree to act as a reference on my benefit.

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